3-4 year olds

Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage and our Nursery class, Little Acorns.

This term in Nursery our topic is ‘Nursery Rhymes.' We will be learning a new rhyme every week and basing our learning around that rhyme. We will also have a related story to explore with the children.

We are looking forward to getting to know our new children and families this term as the children make and develop friendships. We will continue to work on our phase 1 phonics, developing the children’s listening and attention skills, as well as beginning to get our older children ready for Read, Write, Inc. in the summer term.

We will be thinking about our fine motor skills this term as we work on our pencil grip and control of our pencils when we are mark making. We will develop our skills to ensure that we can make a range of lines and circles when drawing, and use these to form basic pictures. We will also be developing our gross motor skills in our group times, and when we are in the garden and the Forest.

We will continue to have our weekly Forest School sessions on a Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon, so please make sure your child has got their wellies in school and has lots of layers, a hat, scarf and gloves as it is going to be a chilly term! It does mean that it is the perfect weather to have our first fire of the year though, so keep checking on Tapestry for photos!
