5-7 year olds
Welcome to Key Stage 1 and our two Year 1/2 classes: Cherry and Chestnut.
This term in English, we will be continuing Read Write Inc, as well as exploring some new texts such as The Tiny Seed and Lyra and the Secret of Rain. We will be using these texts to learn how to write a set of instructions and develop our narrative writing skills.
In Maths, we will be focusing on multiplication and division, learning about equal groups, sharing and continuing to learn our times tables. We will be using a range of concrete resources to support us with this, as well as a variety of different written methods to develop these skills., such as sharing circles and arrays to solve number sentences and word problems.
Cherry class will be in the Forest this half-term on a Tuesday, so will need to arrive at school in Forest school kit. Chestnut class will have P.E. on a Tuesday so need to come wearing their P.E. kit. Cherry will have P.E. on a Thursday, so will need to come into school in P.E. kit on Thursdays.
Please ensure Read Write Inc reading books are in school every day, and make sure to look out for any posts on ClassDojo for all of our updates! Bookworm bags will continue to go home each Friday, and we will be introducing Number Ninja bags which will include Maths based games to take home and write about!
In Maths, we will be focusing on multiplication and division, learning about equal groups, sharing and continuing to learn our times tables. We will be using a range of concrete resources to support us with this, as well as a variety of different written methods to develop these skills., such as sharing circles and arrays to solve number sentences and word problems.
Cherry class will be in the Forest this half-term on a Tuesday, so will need to arrive at school in Forest school kit. Chestnut class will have P.E. on a Tuesday so need to come wearing their P.E. kit. Cherry will have P.E. on a Thursday, so will need to come into school in P.E. kit on Thursdays.
Please ensure Read Write Inc reading books are in school every day, and make sure to look out for any posts on ClassDojo for all of our updates! Bookworm bags will continue to go home each Friday, and we will be introducing Number Ninja bags which will include Maths based games to take home and write about!