5-7 year olds

Welcome to Key Stage 1 and our two Year 1/2 classes: Cherry and Chestnut.


Our English sessions this half term will be used to explore high quality texts, our first being Lights on Cotton Rock by David Litchfield. We will explore the text in detail and write a letter to one of the characters. Our next two books will be Vlad and the Great Fire of London by Katie Cunningham and Rocket Boy by Katie Jennings.  

In Guided Reading we will be reading The Most Important Animal of All by Penny Worms. Our main focus will be using the text to find answers to comprehension questions and reading fluency. We will also be continuing with our phonics scheme (Read, Write, Inc.) where we will be working on learning set 2 and 3 sounds through daily speed sound sessions.

In Maths, we will be learning to tell the time on an analogue clock. We will start by reading o’clock and half past times and then begin to look at quarter past and quarter to. Then we will look at statistics where we will gather and analyse data. Finally, we will look at measurement, including capacity, volume and temperature.

Pupils will be learning all about the Great Fire of London. We will begin by discovering how the fire started and why it spread so quickly. Children will find out what damage the fire caused and the impact this had on the architecture of London after the fire. We will be using enriching texts to support our learning, such as An Illustrated History of the Great Fire of 1666.

Our science topic this term is Animals and Humans. We will begin by learning all about different life cycles including the human life cycle. The children will learn about the key changes between each stage of the human life cycle. 

Please check Class Dojo for regular updates and key messages.
