All of our children will have the opportunity to experience Forest School every year. Links with other areas of our curriculum such as English, History and Art are exploited so that learning goes far beyond the classroom.

Why do we provide Forest School as part of our curriculum for all pupils?
"Last half term, I was able to enjoy Forest School which was a massive change for me – I don’t usually like getting muddy or being outside much. The first time I went, I can remember feeling excited and curious but also scared and nervous – I definitely had mixed emotions! However, by the time the session had ended, I was so eager to continue because I felt so free and had learnt so much. I enjoyed every moment.
My favourite activities were using the saw to cut wood and being able to make my pendant – it was such fun but I also liked learning how to stay safe at the same time. I also loved being able to make a fire and learn how to keep it alive. It was so hard to begin with but I kept trying and eventually it worked!
Forest School makes me feel free and excited because we can do things that we aren’t usually allowed to do. We are free to have fun and I’ve realised that taking risks can be a good thing. I learnt knew skills and learnt how to work with new and different people."