A Typical School Day

Please see below for some important information that may help when starting at our school.


Gates & Doors Open

School gates and doors open for children to enter their classrooms.



Gates & Registration Closes

School gates and classroom doors close.
Children arriving after this time must enter via the school office and will be marked late.



Whole school and Key Stage assemblies are held throughout the week for children, staff and visitors alike.



Guided Reading, Phonics, Grammar or Spelling

Classes typically begin with one of the above English sessions.

Morning Session

English or Maths

Most classes will have one English and one Maths session everyday.

Morning Session

We operate a Breakfast Club before school hours in our Community Centre for children in Reception to Y6.  Children may arrive anytime between 7.45am and 8.30am although breakfast is only served up to 8.20am.  All sessions must be pre-booked through ParentPay.

We are currently evaluating this provision and are keen to hear your views.  We would also like to hear from you if you would be interested in us introducing an After School Club.  Please talk to the school office for more information.
If your child is going to be absent from school, parents/carers should telephone or email the school office before 9.15am that day.

Please avoid making routine appointments e.g. dentists and opticians appointments during school hours.
Children who have had any sickness or diarrhoea must not return to school until they have been clear for 48 hours.
All pupils need a water bottle in school for everyday use in their classrooms.  These must have non-spill caps and ONLY contain water as spilt squash causes a sticky mess on the tables!
ParentPay is an online payment system for schools.  It allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, trips and activities, uniforms, etc.  Top-up your ParentPay account online by debit or credit card, or in cash through PayPoint stores. 

Our primary method of communicating with parents is now through text and email as we no longer routinely send paper letters home.  Keep up-to-date with our latest news by making sure you are signed up and we have up-to-date contact information for you!

10.30am (approx.)

Break & Snack Time

Each class will have a short break part-way through the morning - providing important downtime and opportunities for promoting social skills.  The timing and length of each break is not fixed and instead arranged as appropriate for the needs of each class.

10.30am (approx.)

Morning Session

English and Maths

Most classes will have one English and one Maths session everyday.


Lunch Time

All children from Reception to Year 6 share the same lunchtime which begins at 12.30pm. There are separate playgrounds for Key Stage 1 and 2 children. In order to promote a family atmosphere where all children are encouraged to look after each other, many of our older children act as buddies supporting younger members of the school.




The afternoon session begins.


Afternoon Session

Theme, Creative and Physical Development

All classes have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and take part in a wide variety of learning experiences throughout the afternoon.  Please see individual class timetables for specific details.

2:45pm - 3:15pm (varies per class)

Story Time

All classes participate in a whole class story time on most days of the week, usually towards the end of the day.

2:45pm - 3:15pm (varies per class)


Reception Classes Finish

Reception children are collected from the Key Stage 1 playground at the rear of the school.


Key Stage 1 Classes Finish

Year 1/2 children in Cherry (Miss Dellar) & Chestnut (Miss Jackson) are collected from the Key Stage 1 entrance at the front of the school. 

Parents can enter via the Coneygear Road gate or KS1 Playground gate.



Lower Key Stage 2 Classes Finish

Children in years 3 & 4 (Elder, Elm and Holly) are collected from outside their classrooms to the rear of the school in the KS2 playground.


Upper Key Stage 2 Classes Finish

Children in years 5 & 6 (Maple, Oak & Pine) are also collected from the KS2 playground.

Parents of children in years 5 & 6 who wish their children to walk home alone or with friends must request this by writing to the school office.


We believe getting out of the classroom and exploring different places provides a much broader education for our pupils.  When your child enrolls at our school, we ask for blanket consent for visits that are within the normal school day.

For some visits, we seek specific parental consent and ask for a voluntary contribution towards the costs involved.  Parents are able to pay online via ParentPay so please do ensure you have activated your ParentPay account and checked that your contact details are up to date!
If a different person will be collecting your child from school, please ensure that you have written a note in their Home/School Diary or Reading Record; emailed or telephoned the school office and specified a password.
Our school day is structured to ensure a productive learning experience for our children. The staggered finish to our school day helps parents collect siblings from opposite sides of our school buildings while minimising congestion. This helps to create a positive and calm transition for our children. Our youngest children are currently required to be in school for 31hrs and 40mins rising to 32hrs and 55mins per week for our oldest children.